Why I Am Running for Poway City Council
I’m running because I believe our communities deserve to have a voice at least as strong as the connected and influential. That’s why I've worked to protect district elections in Poway by successfully pushing back a federal lawsuit that would have diluted your voice in City Hall. I’ve also spoken forcibly against the abuse of Poway’s political appointment process. When our elected officials have tried to circumvent voters, I launched ThePowegian.org in 2021 to offer residents a platform to make themselves heard. Our democracy is stronger when everyone participates.
I’m running because I believe we have a role to play in fighting climate change, which threatens our way of life. The 2003 Cedar Fire burned 7,000 acres, 54 homes and one business in Poway. The Witch Creek Fire of 2007 burned more than 7,000 acres and destroyed 90 homes in Poway. Today, most Powegians live in a high-fire hazard zone. Beyond properly funding firefighters and first responders, we must do our part to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change. As a nonprofit leader helping bring sustainable energy to all, and as a Poway business owner, I’ve learned that renewable energy policies can be both sustainable and business friendly, and be a boost to our local economy. I intend to propose the creation of a climate action plan as a member of the Poway City Council.
I’m running for City Council because I believe our kids should be able to live here too when they grow up. Our loved ones mean everything to us, but many of them will not be able to raise their families here. It’s too expensive. While the lack of affordable housing is a chronic issue across the state, it’s especially acute in Poway where hardly any affordable housing is built. That’s by design. The city makes it shamefully easy for builders to opt out of adding any affordable housing to planned development — just so they can pocket an extra buck or two! I want my three daughters to continue to live here in the future, and I want your loved ones to be able to afford living here too. As we continue to implement the Poway Road Specific Plan, we need to make sure we build more affordable housing. I intend to help lead this effort as a member of the Poway City Council.
I’m running to bring an open, transparent and independent voice to the City Council. Most decisions made by the Poway City Council are unanimous, meaning there is little debate and no alternative ideas. We need more diverse perspectives so that we can challenge ourselves to do better. We also need to ensure independent oversight. For 10 years, I covered our region as a reporter for the San Diego Union Tribune. Being a journalist taught me what it means to be a watchdog of the government and a seeker of truth, which I plan to bring as a member of the Poway City Council.
I’m running for City Council because I believe we can do better. Serving on the board of the Poway Historical Society, I have come to appreciate how the early residents of Poway had a vision for our “City in the Country”. Many of us have made this our home because of this. We value our Poway way of life! Today, Poway’s elected officials have no vision for preserving and celebrating our local history. As for planning for our future, they live in a perpetual reactionary state with a lack of willingness to plan responsibly for the changing times. We’ve already paid a high price for their lack of courage and leadership, which led to our contaminated drinking water supply and the city’s confusing response that endangered the well-being of many. This led in part to water rate increases of almost 40 percent, which I spoke against. We need bold, proactive leadership and a vision that can help realize our potential for years to come. We can and we should do better. That’s what I plan to do as a member of the Poway City Council.
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