Hiram Soto Poway

Priorities at a glance

  • Introduce moratorium on all new development until we close the loopholes and giveaways that have overdeveloped our city.

  • Create Climate Action Plan — Poway is the only city in the county without a plan to save energy and money while polluting less.

  • Bring transparency and accountability to a rubber stamp City Council in badly need of fresh perspectives and ideas.


[WATCH]: How Developers Are Trying to Buy City Council Seats in Poway


[WATCH]: Hiram Soto calls for moratorium on development during June City Council Meeting


Get to Know Hiram

Watch this engaging, in-depth interview with Hiram Soto with the John Riley Project where he talks about his family background, his career as a journalist, Poway’s development, the misleading personal attacks and what made him run for City Council. Watch shorter segments here.


What people are saying

Our values





Openness • Transparency • Truth • Accountability •

Response to attacks

Hiram Soto is running against Brian Pepin, a political / developer consultant who represented the developer who wanted to build a high-density project on Metate Lane. Since the campaign started, Pepin and / or his supporters have created fake profiles of Hiram online and pushed outlandish lies to confuse and scare voters. Watch Hiram as he responds to the numerous personal attacks.